Thursday, February 23, 2006

From Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole

"His blue and yellow eyes traveled from his right to the rest of the room, where the other guests were attacking one another with conversation. Herringbones and madras and lamb's wool and cashmere flashed past in a blur as hands and arms rent the air in a variety of graceful gestures. Fingernails, cuff links, pinky rings, teeth, eyes--all glittered. In the center of one knot of elegant guests, a cowboy with a little riding crop flicked the crop at one of his fans, producing a response of exaggerated screaming and pleased giggling. In the center of another knot stood a lout in a black leather jacket who was teaching judo holds, to the great delight of his epicene students. "Oh do teach me that," someone near the wrestler screamed after an elegant guest had been twisted into an obscene position and then throw to the floor to land with a crash of cuff links and other assorted jewelry.

"I only invited the better people," Dorian said to Ignatius.

"Good gracious," Ignatius spluttered. "I can see that we're going to have a great deal of trouble capturing the conservative rural redneck Calvinst vote. We are going to have to rebuild our image along lines other than those I see here.'"

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